Latest Updates
Ron’s Rundown: Everything’s Collapsing Because Everything Was Already Broken
By Ron Ruggiero, President, SEIU Local 105 We are experiencing a total system collapse in America right now. We are only a few weeks into
✅COVID-19 UPDATE: A Union United
An update with resources and actions union members are taking during the COVID-19 crisis.
✅ Sign the petition to protect Denver Janitors
Today we celebrate César Chávez. Sign this petition to protect Denver Janitors!
✅Firma esta petición para proteger a los janitors de Denver
Hoy celebramos a César Chávez. ¡Firma esta petición para proteger a los janitors de Denver!
🎥 WATCH: Master Contract COVID-19 Updates
March 26th, 2020 Hello, this is Juan Montana, Property Service Director at SEIU Local 105. The first thing I want to say is something that
✅COVID-19 UPDATE: 105 on the Frontlines
An update with resources and actions union members are taking during the COVID-19 crisis.
Kaiser COVID-19 Updates
Check your updated KP COVID-19 page for the latest news and resources.
SEIU Local 105 Office Update
Without question, the COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented in modern times. We wanted to provide our members with an update in an incredibly fast-developing crisis on