
Coloradans elect a pro-worker majority to state legislature

In a victory for all working people across our state, voters in Colorado elected a pro-worker majority to the state legislature. SEIU Local 105 members helped elect candidates who committed to support the Working People’s Platform, a project which names seven priorities for working families in Colorado: The freedom to form a union without interference or […]

Local 105 members endorse champions of working people

While Colorado’s economy is growing, it’s not benefiting everyone. Despite record corporate profits, most Coloradans, whether white, black, or brown, are making less than they were ten years ago. The cost of living in the state has sky rocketed and rent is rising about six times as quickly as wages. As union members, we’re in […]

Kaiser: Enough is enough!

On June 15th, Local 105 members sent a message to Kaiser management that we are standing strong on our demands that they come to the table to bargain with us. We picketed in front of Kaiser Colorado’s Regional offices for two hours and had great turnout! Here’s what we want Kaiser to understand: Bargaining is […]

Demand an end to family separation at our borders

Tearing children away from their parents’ arms at our border is a cruel and immoral act by the Trump Administration. When a government does this, it terrorizes those children and their parents. The United States of America has typically condemned these kinds of actions by other governments. We cannot tolerate this action by our own […]

Nearly 300 attended Working People’s Forum (on Race, Class, & Justice)

Every day, our union sisters and brothers work to create a better environment for working families in Colorado. Our days of hard work lead up to events like the one we held on Saturday, where we put hard hitting questions the people who want to lead our state. We wanted to hear from these candidates what, […]

PRESS RELEASE: SEIU Local 105 Launches Working People’s Platform

SEIU Local 105 Launches Working People’s Platform Three of the Four Democratic Candidates for Governor have Signed on to the Platform Denver, CO – Last week, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 105 launched the Working People’s Platform. The Working People’s Platform consists of seven tenets that lift up the goals and recognize the struggles of working people in Colorado […]

Local 105 Members Deliver Petitions to Kaiser Colorado President

On May 30th, SEIU Local 105 members sent Kaiser Colorado President, Roland Lyon, a strong message to pass on to the Program Office: “Come to the table because we are ready to bargain!” Over half of our membership signed petitions in support of beginning negotiations on a new national agreement and we delivered these petitions […]

PRESS RELEASE: SEIU Local 105 Announces Endorsements of State Legislative Democratic Primary Candidates

SEIU Local 105 Announces Endorsements of State Legislative Democratic Primary Candidates Committee of Workers Chose Candidates Committed to Championing Working Families Denver, CO – Today, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 105 announced the state legislative candidates it will support in the upcoming Democratic Primaries in June. The candidates were chosen by the Committee […]

PRESS RELEASE: Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Blocks Workers’ Right to Choose

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Blocks Workers’ Right to Choose PPRM has Silenced Workers by Appealing to Trump Controlled National Labor Relations Board Denver, CO – Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) health care workers are raising their voices in solidarity today and asking the organization to stop blocking their attempts to organize. […]