Culture of Health/AHRQ Survey
As of this week, SEIU Local 105 is at a 58% Culture of Health/AHRQ Survey completion rate. Remember, if we get to 70% completion by the deadline of October 31st, 2020, that will be 40% of our PSP payout!
If you haven’t filled out the survey yet, please follow the following steps:
- Check your KP email from August 15th, 2020; KP sent you an individualized link to this survey.
- If you cannot find that email or link, you should contact your HR department so you can receive another link o fill this important survey out.
Check your email for further instructions on how to fill out your survey and make sure your coworkers have as well!
Discrimination Survey
As a union, we fight for all of us to feel safe at work. However, your Local 105 KP stewards have recently seen an increase in workplace discrimination cases. From here, your stewards and organizers will help us better understand discrimination cases in your workplace.
For your steward team to better understand how widespread these incidents are, please take two minutes to fill out our KP Discrimination Survey by clicking here.
Congratulations Graduates!

First, we’d like to give a special congratulations to Crystal Burns, Jay Thurber, Anjanette Bryant, Jewel López, Natasha Coronado, and Serena Medina for their success in completing the MA to LPN program through the SEIU Education Fund!
PSP Sticker and Purple Up Friday
Join your coworkers in a show of healthcare strength and solidarity for PSP by wearing your stickers and purpling up this Friday, January 17th. Also, take digital action by changing your social media profile picture to the solidarity image below.

SCO Updates
Last week in our OB/GYN meeting, we discussed the following:
- Shadowing in clinics is happening to observe workflows around patient experience and rooming. We should hear report backs on what the workflow consultants found in meetings this week.
- SCO implementation plan: the Transformation Office has an implementation plan to move us to Go Live, we will be reviewing that more in detail in meetings this week.
- 1:1 staffing plan: Management has decided to move to 1:1 staffing, which means that all 105 staff working with providers will be working 1:1 each day they’re in the clinic.
- Saturday hours: Management also informed us that they’d decided to move forward with Saturday hours in the main hubs, most likely to be implemented during Go Live or afterward.
- Scheduling pain points: Last but not least, we discussed what types of appointments are issues during the scheduling process.
General Surgery
Last week in our General Surgery meeting, we discussed similar issues:
- We broadly discussed the plan to do observations in surgery centers.
- SCO implementation plan: the Transformation Office has an implementation plan to move us to Go Live, we will be reviewing that more in detail in meetings this week.
- 1:1 staffing plan: Management has decided to move to 1:1 staffing, which means that all 105 staff working with providers will be working 1:1 each day they’re in the clinic.
- Scheduling role & responsibilities: We discussed what makes sense to keep in MM, vs. what should go to the AACC.
*QUICK REMINDER: if you did not take breaks or lunches to mark them as missed in Kronos.
*QUICK REMINDER 2: if you are in need of representation do not hesitate to call 303-727-8018 or email to reach an organizer.