
Kaiser COVID-19 Updates

🚨 Click here to visit our SEIU Local 105 COVID-19 Resources Page 🚨

April 10, 2020 Update

After a week of intense negotiations, our Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions has reached an agreement with KP on an enhanced benefits package. We are proud to have secured important victories that will assist frontline healthcare workers during this difficult time.

On Monday, Kaiser Permanente will officially roll out the enhanced benefits package and information on how employees can access these benefits.

Here is a summary of some of the key progress that has been made (complete details will be available on Monday): 

▶️ Childcare Assistance

Kaiser employees who work 32 hours a week or more in a KP facility will be eligible for a $300 per week grant to pay for childcare for children 14 or younger (and disabled dependent children). We can use it to pay our own caregiver (as long as they are not a spouse or domestic partner) or find care outside of the home.Visit our SEIU Local 105 COVID-19 resource page at this link to find more information on childcare options.  

The childcare stipend will last till May 31, 2020 and will be pro-rated for employees who work between 20 and 32 hours (including per-diems) with a minimum of $210 a month stipend.

▶️ Temporary Shelter

Kaiser will work with several hotel chains to provide alternative shelter for employees who have a household member who is in a CDC defined vulnerable group, tests positive for COVID 19, works a double shift or more than three consecutive 12 hours shifts or has fewer than 8 hours between shifts. 

This applies to all employees working at least 20 hours per week (including per diems) at a KP facility between April 13 and May 31, 2020. Employees must request the shelter through their manager.

▶️ 80 additional hours of leave for COVID19 Positive test result

Any employee working at a KP facility for more than 20 hours a week (including per diems) who tests positive for COVID 19 will receive 80 hours of administrative leave. This is above and beyond regularly accrued leave. This will be pro-rated for less than full-time employees. 

Employees who are sent home from Kaiser and are awaiting a test will also be covered. Coverage will stop if the test is negative and employees can then use other leave. Hours expire on June 30, 2020.

These are big wins, but our work is not done. We will continue to press management to protect our members and compensate them for all our members are going through. Although we are not out of the woods, it is clear that our hard work at all levels is paying off.

Stay tuned for more updates soon and the full details on Monday. As always, thank you for all the critical work you do every single day.

April 6, 2020 Update

On this Monday, we have a bit of a throwback meme to several weeks ago – but still worth sharing for any who have not yet seen it.

Regional Updates

Surge planning: We are aware that there is work going on in conjunction with the state and KP’s hospital partners to make sure that we are prepared if we end up seeing patients beyond our normal capacity. We are working together with management to make sure that all our members have work and stay safe while simultaneously making sure that there is a fair and consistent process for redeployment. Currently management’s priority is to make sure there is enough staffing in areas for areas and departments with sickest patients and those who need the most help.

UBT work: For those in virtual MOBs, with potentially more time, it’s a good time to talk with your UBTs about work that could be done locally right now during this time. Look at the compass and outreach your UBT consultants with questions or for more info.

Clarification on occurrences: There will be no occurrences if sent home for home quarantine based on policy OR if you are sent home from the employee screening process.


Together with our national union, we are urging healthcare workers across our community to take pictures and videos and post them to your social media with the hashtag #GetMePPE.

Across the country, healthcare workers are on the frontlines protecting all of us, while facing dire shortages of PPE. We are calling on our elected leaders and corporations to take action NOW and provide more resources for our frontline heroes!

Click here to watch our call to action video below and learn how you can take part in this national action!

✅ Also, don’t forget to sign the petition to protect all workers with PPE by clicking on this link!

April 2, 2020 Update

Today we have a lighthearted reminder that in these times of crisis, we need to have solidarity and stick together more than ever.

Regional Updates

Click here to view the National policy on COVID-19 exposure and occurrences, which we hope will answer many of your questions about what constitutes an occurrence.

We have also received a draft of the workflow for taking employee temperatures, click here to access a printable version of the workflow draft. If you have questions or feedback on this workflow, please refer back to your supervisor or manager.

A Few Friendly Reminders!

We know that when things are so uncertain, people find that the more information that they have/receive, the better. However, we’d like to remind everyone that despite whatever curiosity you might have about your colleagues and patients, please remember that we must still be respecting people’s privacy and abiding by HIPAA laws. It would not be appropriate to check a chart of a patient if you’re not currently seeing them, or talking about people’s diagnoses or suspected diagnoses.

During these trying times we all need to stand together and support each other. We’re asking for everyone to conduct themselves as professionally as possible to help each other make it through this crisis. While we may disagree with what KP Command Center is doing, we have a process for addressing those issues. Bring issues to your manager, to a steward, or to an organizer to be resolved. Be careful about putting your criticisms online or with the public.  

Simultaneously, our colleagues around us may be facing personal situations that are not our business. We can be sympathetic and stand together in solidarity instead of speculating or digging into private issues that may not be relevant or appropriate for us to be criticizing. 

April 1, 2020 Update

A meme for you on Hump Day that seems to be our new normal on email introductions these days:

Regional Updates

According to management, all TRW cases that were backlogged have been worked through at this point. If you submitted your TRW case with the appropriate paperwork and did not hear back on it, please let your organizer know, and we will raise your individual case with management.

As many of you have probably seen by now, there has been an Enterprise-wide email sent out regarding masks usage. Click here to read the policy. If you have questions about this policy, please speak to your manager.

We’ve been informed by management that in the ongoing effort to ensure patient and employee safety, they are planning on including employees in the screening process and taking their temperatures as they enter the building. They are currently finalizing the workflow on that, so as soon we have that, we will send it out.

Pharmacy Updates

We’ve heard from many of you in the Pharmacy around your concerns on social distancing and safety. This issue was raised in today’s Labor call with management and HR, and they will be asking the EOC to send people from Infection Prevention to go out to sites to check out the working conditions. When we have more information on this as well we will let you know.

March 31, 2020 Update

We hope that today’s meme brings some laughter into your lives – we’ve heard that laughter can help so many things, and even improve your job performance. This is especially the case if your work depends on creativity and solving complex problems – which we would say applies to all of our Kaiser members during this crisis.

Regional Updates

There’s been an updated Key Definitions document that you can access by clicking on this link. We hope that the end of the document will be a helpful reference for you all.

Child care update: The surveys went out to 5900 people, 1565 responded. 317 of 1565 reported needing help. KP contacted each of these folks regarding the existing resources. According to KP, the state Collaborative seems to be working the best – the state is connecting folks to child care in their areas. It is free facility-based care, so for more information, please visit covidchildcarecolorado.comIf you are interested in applying for this, please click here.

Tent and Greeter Staffing Workflow

Locally at sites: management at the sites will be staffing volunteers in seniority order and then filling open shifts by reverse seniority. Management will ensure that minimum staffing levels are maintained in their building before allowing staff to volunteer or be placed into these roles. Only the amount of staff over minimums will be available for tent, greeter, or other redeployments. Any remaining open shifts, after local staffing are assigned will be filled on a regional level, first by volunteers in seniority order and then assigned by reverse seniority utilizing all available specialty excess staff above minimums.

After all available redeployment opportunities have been exhausted, and local departments have met their clinical and administrative needs, staff may be offered the opportunity to take benefitted or unpaid time away from the clinic.

We have done our best to fight for seniority and your contractual rights to be preserved during this time, but please be aware that this process could be subject to change.

March 27, 2020 Update

We’re ending the week with this meme – we know that those of you working in patient facing roles at the moment share these sentiments!

Regional Updates


We have further clarification from management regarding vacation requests. Here is their response:

“a. Requests to Cancel Previously Approved Time Off. At this time, we cannot approve requests to add staff back to the schedules due to reduced volume in our medical offices. If the situation changes, let your manager know of your request and we will attempt to place you back on the schedule consistent with our collective bargaining agreements. Please consider, when we reopen our medical offices, the opportunities for future time off requests may be limited due to increased volume as our members reschedule visits and procedures

b. New Requests: Due to low volume in our medical offices, new time off requests can be considered at this time. Requests may be approved in short increments as we monitor patient care needs during this rapidly changing situation.”

Important Contact Info

There is now a quick reference sheet for everyone to use to determine where to go when you need to know who to call. Click on this link to download the reference sheet!

Specialty Care Optimization

This work will be pushed back until June. As things progress we will keep you updated.

Pharmacy Updates

Today we discussed hours changes in Pharmacy, and the reasoning behind it. Pharmacy hours are changing due to the fact that:

  • Volume is concentrated at urgent care sites and Mail Order
  • Colorado Stay at Home Order Affecting Volume in evenings
  • Changes in Health Connect are allowing prescriptions to be sent to closed pharmacies

Here’s what management presented on hours changes:

Aurora Centrepoint, Lakewood, Lone Tree & Westminster

Mon – Fri 

7:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sat – Sun 

8:00 am – 6:00 pm

*Matches PC Hours

Rock Creek, Arapahoe, Skyline

Mon – Fri 

7:00 am – 7:00 pm 


8:00 am – 12:00 pm

*Matches PC Hours

Acero, Parkside

Mon – Fri 

7:00 am – 7:00 pm 

Sat – Sun 

8:00 am – 4:00 pm

*Expanded Hours on Sunday

Loveland, Franklin

Mon – Fri 

7:00 am – 7:00 pm 


8:00am – 4:00pm

*Normal Hours of Operation

March 26, 2020 Update

We know all of you are under so much stress during this time, worrying about yourselves, your families, and of course, your patients. We hope that you are doing your best to try and take some time to rest and recharge – you need it now more than ever. Here are today’s updates.

It’s said that laughter is the best medicine, so we’ve decided to open our emails with the latest memes we’ve seen that we hope will bring some laughter to your day.

Regionwide Updates

All KP employees should have received a very detailed email last night or this morning with the attached COVID-19 PPE Clarification document. Many of the questions you’ve had about PPE usage and processes should be answered on that PDF. If you have not had the opportunity to review it yet, you can do so by clicking here. 

Additionally, we have heard that the region has about 10 days of supplies of PPE at this time if that is not what you are hearing or experiencing, please let us know.

Specialty Care Optimization

We have asked for updates around what will be happening with SCO implementation moving forward, and management will get back to us what the plans for current and future phases of SCO at this time.

ALSO, take action by signing our national petition demanding our elected and industry leaders take immediate action on increasing access to PPE by clicking on this link!

March 25, 2020 Update

We know all of you are under so much stress during this time, worrying about yourselves, your families, and of course, your patients. We hope that you are doing your best to try and take some time to rest and recharge – you need it now more than ever. Here are today’s updates.

General Reminders:

If you have childcare needs preventing you from being at work, please fill out the survey here.

For those folks with questions on vacation requests: if you had planned vacation at this time and had your plans canceled due to the shelter in place order or for other reasons related to COVID-19, you will not be able to rescind your vacation request. Management has made their staffing plans based on who they know is currently working. 

TRW Updates

We have been informed that due to the influx of requests, KP will now be doing a daily process on reviewing Temporary Remote Work requests for those of you that submitted the requests due to being in the high risk demographic.

If any of you have a PCP that is outside of KP, please have your doctors be explicit on doctor’s notes. Just having the doctor write that you should be excused is not sufficient information and will cause delays to your case being reviewed.

Solidarity Actions

For those of you wondering what actions we can do to call attention to what healthcare workers are facing and how you are coping during this time, we would love for you to take some videos of yourselves and use the hashtag #ProtectAllWorkers on your social media. 

Take this time to share a quick video showing the important work you are doing protecting our community and how we can all support caregivers in Colorado. Feel free to include videos of yourself at work on breaks or lunches, getting ready for work, or at home with your families. #ProtectAllWorkers tagged videos will be shared on our national and local union pages! 

ALSO, take action by signing our national petition demanding our elected and industry leaders take immediate action on increasing access to PPE by clicking on this link!  

March 24, 2020 Update

When history books are written about this time in our society, we know that healthcare workers will be among those recognized as the real heroes – and that the work you are doing is critical for our communities to be safe. 

We hope that what is clear to everyone in this country is that what we need is not more bosses, not more managers, but more front line healthcare workers like all of you.

Regional Updates

We’ve heard from many of you with concerns about child care, and we’d like to encourage you again to fill out the survey if you haven’t already by clicking on this link.

Unfortunately, Kaiser management has reported that there aren’t very many responses to the survey so far, so please send the link along to anyone who needs it and encourage your coworkers to fill it out.

Temporary Remote Work (TRW):As a reminder, if you need a TRW arrangement (whether you are high risk or if you just seek remote work options) here’s an update on the process. Please follow the process below, reaching out to union staff is no longer part of the process and will only delay you going through the process, and getting your needs addressed. Please also keep in mind that since this a fluid and changing situation, this is just the process as we know it to be at this moment in time and is subject to change. 

  • If you believe you need an accommodation, please speak to your supervisor or Director to get the TRW form. 
  • If you are submitting a request due to being high risk, you will need to submit medical documentation to confirm your high-risk status. This documentation will be submitted to the VP of HR, jessica.bidlingmaier@kp.org.
  • Once these forms have been sent, the VP of HR will send the documentation with all PHI removed to a doctor from CPMG so that all issues are being anonymously reviewed. 
  • Once the review has happened, KP will reach out to employees to confirm whether or not they can be accommodated.
  • If your request has been approved, you will know within 2 business days. After that, employees will be given 1 of 3 options: 1, be reassigned to a different role and/or 2, be reassigned to a non-patient facing location with social distancing, if appropriate or 3, approved to work remotely if previously equipped to do so.
  • Last but not least, if your request is rejected, then appeals can be sent in via the same process and sent to a different physician within 2 business days. 

Eye Care

2/3 of the department is still seeing patients at Rock Creek, Franklin, Arapahoe and Lonetree. These locations are only seeing scheduled urgent eye care patients. At ACP & Lakewood, there is 1 OD seeing Urgent Care patients. The ODs remaining in various locations are doing in-basket work or working with an RN doing triage for eye care. 

We will be engaging Eye Care leadership this week to discuss redeployment and the processes around it very soon and will keep you updated.

Audiology & Hearing Services 

Audiology is consolidating Lonetree to Franklin; this is due to the fact that visits in Audiology usually are non-urgent. KP is keeping audiologists in clinics working on other projects. Hearing Services is still open at 4 locations: Rock Creek, Lonetree, Franklin, and ACP. The department is attempting to figure out how to do video consultations, as well as ensuring that repaired devices are going out, or doing curbside pickups for patients with more urgent needs.

March 23, 2020 Update

We have nothing but pride in, and the utmost respect for our healthcare workers during this crisis. You have displayed such courage, resilience, and adaptability during a time when so many in our society are responding to this crisis with fear and paranoia.

We are doing our very best to continue to be available to answer questions, support you, and fight for your rights at a time when we know you need the support more than ever.

Lab Update

We understand that there may be some confusion with what is happening within Lab this week. In an attempt to clarify. we’ve reached out to Lab leadership and here’s what we know: 

  • Since there is a time period in which there is overlap on staff and shifts, individual MOADs are being asked to utilize CLAs where they can. If no work can be found, employees will be allowed to take longer breaks and lunches in order to maintain the number of CLAs necessary to address the flow of patients. 
  • In the event there are more patients than anticipated, Lab leadership is prepared to set up temporary draw stations to meet the need. Please reach out to your supervisor or MOAD for more information or clarification if needed.

Regionwide Updates

  • Some of you have brought up the request to engage management with hazard pay. We have asked management about whether or not there will be hazard pay for those of you doing patient-facing work. They’ve responded that there will not be additional pay or hazard pay attached to COVID response work at this time.  
  • We’ve heard that some of you may have concerns about the PPE supplies in the region. We addressed this today with management, and they’ve reported that there is a 3 day supply in all buildings. They are, of course, monitoring supplies constantly to ensure that those of you within the clinics have the supplies you need to stay safe.
  • All KP employees should have received an email this weekend or this morning with a COVID-19 key definitions PDF linked here. Many, if not most of the questions you’ve had in the last week should be answered on that PDF, in addition to our emails. If you have not had the opportunity to review it yet, please take a moment when you can to do so by clicking on this link.

March 20, 2020 Update

We continue to be in awe and inspired by all of your determination and resilience during this crisis – your focus on providing care for patients and dedication to keeping our communities safe is incredible.

Pharmacy Updates

We have been pushing for Pharmacy leadership to provide us with updates on their plans and to engage with us on redeployment, and they have finally responded to our requests. Here’s what we know:

  • At risk individuals were identified and placed in non-patient facing locations as directed by the Command Center and as a recommendation from our union.
  • Staff was moved to the open clinic nearest to their normally scheduled clinics or if that was not possible, closest to their residence. If the open clinic nearest home clinic or residence was fully staffed, they were assigned to the next closest clinic and so on.
  • For shift assignments, employees already located at each open clinic schedules were not impacted. Employees not located at an open clinic went into one of three shifts (Open, Mid, Close) those were determined by seniority, geographical proximity, and matching current shifts. 
  • Weekend assignments were assigned by seniority and staff that currently work weekends.
  • Float Pool staff will be used as Same Day Coverage. If Same-Day coverage is not needed, they will be used to staff centralized queues and phones at Central Support Services.
  • Extra shifts are being requested through part-time and on-call staff in the department.  
  • Where employees are being redeployed, shifts will be filled according to seniority, as is the case in Medical Imaging and Lab. Incoming employees from other locations with more seniority than employees already at a site may request a shift bid or will have preference for shifts.

Regionwide Updates

  • Management has maintained their position that JODs will continue and that they will also continue issuing occurrences. We continue to push them to suspend JODs and occurrences at this time, but again, if you’re interested in escalating your concerns and taking action, please reach out to your organizer. If you aren’t sure who your organizer is, email healthcare@seiu105.org
  • We heard this morning that KP has created an HR hotline for employees to call for specific HR-related questions. The hotline number is 303-338-3212.
  • Vacation questions: If you were supposed to be on vacation currently and want to come back to work, please reach out to your supervisor. If there are shifts available, they will bring you back to work. If there are not, you should be taking the rest of your vacation.
  • The child care survey is now live. If you have child care needs, please fill it out at at this link.  

Specialty Care Staffing

  • From what we heard from management today, there is currently a volunteer system to get shifts filled, most of what needs to be filled is non clinical. That is all the information we have at this time and will keep you posted as we get more information.

SEIU Virtual Town Hall

March 19, 2020 Update

We know all of you are doing work to support patients right now are the true superheroes of this crisis, and we can’t express how much your courage and dedication mean to us during this time. We are continuing to do our best to support you by fighting for your rights every day and holding management accountable.

Some quick reminders:

  • All urgent employee questions about exposures to COVID-19 should be addressed to the Command Center at 303-344-7300. If you have non-urgent questions please continue email KPCO-EOC@kp.org.
  • All other updates around COVID-19 can be found here.

General updates for all union members:

  • There should now be a process in place for at-risk and immunosuppressed employees. Front line supervisors should have a form for you to fill out and return to them so that they can prioritize keeping these folks safe. If your supervisor is unaware of this process, please escalate to MOAs/MOADs or managers and Directors. If you have done so and are still experiencing difficulties, please let us know, and we will do our best to attempt to assist you. (For those of you who are questioning whether or not you are immunosuppressed or immunocompromised, most people in these categories have been diagnosed by a medical doctor and designated as such. If you believe you are but do not have a diagnosis, please speak to your PCP. We are unable to assist with those issues and questions.)
  • We are working with KP and the teachers’ union CEA to determine how to provide child care for healthcare workers. We’ve come up with a survey for those folks who have child care concerns which should be sent out by or before the end of this week to help address these concerns for our members. Please stay tuned for the survey, it will be sent out by us and by KP. In the meantime, here’s some resources for folks while we finalize arrangements.
  • We have also asked management for hazard pay for those union members that are working directly with patients who may potentially be exposed.
  • Last but certainly not least, we have also pushed management to reschedule unnecessary JODs and suspending COVID related occurrences. It is our strong belief that frontline healthcare workers need to be available to provide care, and all efforts should be made to ensure that they are able to do so. We will continue to keep you updated as we hear from management.

Updates in Medical Imaging

An email went out from MI management to the whole department last night that we have been copied on. We do have some clarifications on that email that we have to share.

  • All questions about operations in this department should be directed to your supervisor or manager.  
  • The main alternatives to rad tech positions are phone shifts. All rad techs will be rotating through taking images, putting patients into the schedule, doing front desk work, phone work, and rooming/changing patients as needed.
  • If you did not receive the email because you are off, management should have reached out to you to inform you of the updates. 

March 18, 2020 Update

We want to take a minute to moment to express our appreciation for all that you do in this time of chaos and uncertainty – healthcare workers are on the frontlines of this pandemic, and everyone in our communities is dependent on you and your ability to help keep our families and communities safe. 

As always, and especially during this difficult time, our union is here to support union members in every way we can and to keep fighting for your rights. We will continue sending out updates as we receive them, and here’s what we know at this time as well as what we’re fighting for:

What we know/have been fighting for:

  • If any of you have non-urgent questions or concerns about COVID-19 or suggestions for the Command Center, please send that directly to the Command Center at KPCO-EOC@kp.org. If you believe you’ve been exposed, please call the Command Center hotline at: 303-344-7300.
  • For those of you who are in an at risk demographic and/or are immuno-compomised, please send us your name and location and we will get that information to HR. However, beginning next week there will be a process in place to address this with your supervisors.
  • Union members with concerns about childcare: we are also working with KP to figure out options for childcare at this time.
  • If union members show up to work and are told that there is no work, they will be paid for the whole day if they are sent home.
  • If you are exposed at work and are told to self-quarantine, you will be paid. There is a code in KRONOS – please speak to your supervisor for that code.
  • 2020 PSP discussions have been suspended at this time until further notice.
  • Unfortunately, occurrences related to attendance around COVID-19, such as child care concerns, will still be in effect. We are pushing management at this time to suspend all occurrences, as well as to suspend all non-urgent (anything criminal or a harm to patients or coworkers) JODs at this time as well.

Primary Care

Tent triage and testing stations will be at:

  • Loveland
  • Rock Creek (As of 3/27)
  • Westminster
  • Lakewood
  • Aurora Centrepoint
  • Lonetree
  • Parkside
  • Acero

Non-COVID Clinics Remaining Open

  • Open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (except at Parkside and Acero)
  • Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (except at Loveland, Parkside and Acero)
  • These visits are for care that cannot be completed through a virtual visit and cannot be delayed. These visits will be scheduled only after a patient has had a virtual visit with a PCP. These visits are NOT for COVID-19 testing or care. 

Services include:

  • Primary Care (1 template for adults and 1 template for pediatrics): 1:1 staffing with current staff
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology (except at Loveland and Acero): 1:1 staffing with current staff
  • Pharmacy: will be fully staffed
  • Lab: will be fully staffed
  • Medical Imaging: will be fully staffed
  • Patient Registration Associate (PRA) staffing check-in: will be fully staffed
  • Greeter and runner: will have 2 at each Hub for hours of operations 
  • Nurse Clinic at each COVID-19 clinic will operate in the current state. One additional LPN template will be added to all Nurse Clinics.
  • Nurse Clinic at the MOB’s that are going virtual: 
    • Will be expected to do Message Management at their home MOB.


Many of you have reached out to us about your concerns about social distancing, and management is still trying to figure out staffing. We do know that at the 6 Non-COVID locations will have somewhat reduced hours, likely from 8 – 6. Other locations will be closed, although mail-order will continue. We are going to be working with Pharmacy leadership and the Command Center to ensure that you are safe and protected during this time. We’ve also asked for their to be alternative solutions such as drive up, and management is looking into those options.


In Lab, there will be full testing with limited specimen collection from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. In the 6 Non-COVID locations, there will be full testing and specimen collections, keeping similar MOB hours. As far as redeployment, members in the 6 Non-COVID locations will remain in a comparable shift, and those being redeployed will be able to pick their shifts. If there are concerns about seniority, there can/will be a shift bid for everyone.

Medical Imaging

Urgent Care: No changes to current support or hours

6 Non-COVID locations, no changes to support or hours


Urgent Care + Non-COVID will maintain current staff with current locations 

Two additional resources will be placed at 6 Non-COVID locations to support as greeters/runners. These shifts will be filled on a volunteer basis. If there are additional shifts that need to be filled, they will be filled by reverse seniority.

Other Administrative Staff

Management is determining the resources available to send those employees home that can work from home. They are reaching out to make temporary non-precedent setting agreements where possible, but not everyone will be able to work from home. If you have the resources and ability to work from home, and your manager has not sent you home, please speak to them to initiate the process to do so. We cannot initiate the process from our end as we don’t have an awareness of the available resources.

As always, please reach out with any other questions or concerns at: healthcare@seiu105.org or leave a message at 303-727-8018 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

March 16, 2020 Update

We were notified by KP Leadership over the weekend of some significant care delivery changes that they’re planning on making to keep patients and staff safe. We are of course supportive of all planning on how to keep patients and our union members safe.

Regarding those of you who work in administrative buildings – KP is asking for more laptops for the region, but resources are very limited right now, with all priority being given to those employees working directly with patients. Management is reaching out to us regarding those groups that can be sent home, and to be clear, the decision to send people home is a management right, even more so since we’re in the middle of a crisis. 

For everyone else working in an administrative building, if you don’t already have the capacity and ability to work from home you likely won’t be able to do so.

From what we understand, beginning March 23rd, all clinics will be closed to patients and the general public, other than those listed below. Employees working in the closed clinics will report to work for their normal schedule and to their regular location. These employees will likely be doing patient care virtually and by phone.

These clinics will remain open:

  • Acero
  • Parkside
  • Arapahoe
  • Skyline
  • Loveland

The specialty hubs – Franklin, Lonetree (including Urgent Care), and Rock Creek will also remain open for patients, but only the Urgent Care departments at Aurora Centrepoint and Lakewood will be open for those buildings. 

We will continue to keep you updated as we get more information.

For any questions or representation, please call: (303) 727-8018 or email healthcare@seiu105.org as well as the link to update info.