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Janitors at Coors Brewery in Golden join SEIU Local 105, Win Wage Raises
DENVER, CO – Over forty janitors who clean and maintain the Coors Brewery in Golden and their commercial offices have officially joined Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 105 after a majority union vote followed by contract negotiations with their cleaning contractor Integrated Cleaning Services.
The new agreement that janitors ratified unanimously on Saturday includes 7% wage increases, better benefits, and more time off. With this new agreement, Coors janitors will join 2,500 other SEIU Local 105 janitors across the Denver metro with a voice on the job to continue providing quality commercial union janitorial services.
“I’ve been a Janitor for a long time. I’ve worked both in a union and out of one, and I’ve been active in my community for years. The union difference is personal for me. This goes so much further than just us. We have better jobs, but also a better brewery and a stronger community because of it. ” said Juan Manuel Patraca, janitor for the last twenty years with his most recent three years working at Coors.
Integrated Cleaning Services voluntarily recognized the janitors’ vote to unionize, making Coors the largest single brewing facility in the world to be cleaned with a union workforce. The janitors are calling it a historic landmark in both the brewing and cleaning industries.
“We stand together not just as janitors at this brewery, but with more than 2500 janitors across the Denver area. I’m so proud of everyone here, and I’m proud of Coors for choosing a responsible local union contractor like Integrated Cleaning Systems,” said Rosa Pineda, janitor at Coors for the last five years. “Together, we’ve won a voice on the job and better wages and benefits, but we’ve also taken a big step toward building a better state for janitors everywhere.”
The ratification is the latest victory in a string of wins for SEIU Local 105 janitors from around Denver, coming on the heels of a historic wage increase at Denver International Airport in November. The janitors at the Coors facility now join the landmark Master Contract bargained last summer, including significant raises and protections on the job for cleaners in the metro area.
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 105 is an organization made up of more than 8,000 healthcare, property service, and airport workers in Colorado. Our union is part of the fastest-growing union in North America, whose 2 million members make up the largest healthcare union, the largest property services union, and the second-largest public services union.