
🚨KP Update Email Action

Send a message to Dr. Gregory Berman and urge him to listen to the voices of frontline workers!

We know the Primary Care Optimization has been a source of stress and frustration for many, if not all, of you, and it looks like the Specialty Care Optimization work for OB/GYN and General Surgery is headed in the same direction.

We want to make sure that the decision-maker for these projects, Dr. Greg Berman, knows that he needs to listen to the voices of frontline workers in these departments.

We gained a lot of ground during our strike campaign, and management heard our anger and frustration through all of our organized actions and our strike vote. Let’s keep that momentum going!

Take Action!✊

Here’s how you can get involved:

If you’re in Primary Care and have been frustrated with the implementation of the Optimization work at your facility and/or would like to support your fellow union members in the Specialty Departments, click here to send a message to Dr. Gregory Berman. 

If you’re in OB/GYN or General Surgery and have been concerned about the ongoing Optimization work in your departments, click here to send a message to Dr. Gregory Berman.

If you’re in another Specialty Department or are concerned as a KP member about future Optimization work in your departments, click here to send a message to Dr. Gregory Berman. 

*If you receive any responses, please share it with healthcare@seiu105.org.