Join us in congratulating our awesome members at the Kaiser building in Longmont. During the month of June, our union members scored 100% in all categories of customer service as part of the random customer satisfaction survey.
Longmont members pulled together after a series of obstacles and supported each other to reach their goal of 100% satisfaction. As far as we know, they are the first facility to reach the 100% approval rating on patient satisfaction.
Laura Boccia, a member of management and RN Primary Care Manager commended the team, “Through ownership and awareness the Longmont team strive to give an excellent member experience. Leadership is very proud of them!”
L105 member and Longmont Medical Assistant (MA) Seanna Bressler had this to say, “I have never worked in a union job before but now I know I would never go back. The camaraderie and benefits are amazing and when we all work together we get things done! ”
The survey is a metric used region wide by Kaiser. Members celebrated with a cake and frozen yogurt last Wednesday after the results came in.
“I love being a part of SEIU! Working together we showed the union difference,” said MA Alicia Espinosa during the celebration.