
SEIU Local 105 Member Families Meet with U.S. Rep. Coffman

SEIU Local 105 along with other community partners met with members of the Colorado delegation during their Congressional recess. On Saturday, February 23rd SEIU Local 105 members and their children met with U. S. Representative Mike Coffman (CO-6) to discuss Commonsense, Commprehensive Immigration Reform. SEIU members and their families across Colorado and the country made visits […]

Commonsense Immigration Reform Poll Shows Majority of Registered Voters Support Path to Citizenship

A majority of U.S. voters favor common sense immirgration reform that includes a path to citizenship for current undocumented immigrants and strong accountability measures according to a new bipartisan survey released earlier this week. The Service Employee International Union (SEIU) along with allies America’s Voice Education Fund, and National Immigration Forum comissioned the bipartisan, national poll of […]