Kaiser Education Fund
KPCO TRAINING NEEDS SURVEY – WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU! Help us identify the training you need most by providing direct feedback. The COVID-19
As the largest healthcare union in the United States, we are particularly proud of our work in the healthcare industry. Healthcare workers, mental health workers, and behavioral health professionals here in Colorado as well as across the country have come together under the SEIU banner not just to earn fair wages and benefits, but to ensure quality healthcare for America’s patients.
KPCO TRAINING NEEDS SURVEY – WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU! Help us identify the training you need most by providing direct feedback. The COVID-19
Una actualización con recursos y acciones que los miembros del sindicato están tomando durante la crisis COVID-19.
Check your updated KP COVID-19 page for the latest news and resources.
¡Aquí está su actualización de PCO y SCO! Hemos reunido una lista de preguntas frecuentes y las hemos respondido para aclarar algunas inquietudes.
Send a message to Dr. Gregory Berman and urge him to listen to the voices of frontline workers! We know the Primary Care Optimization has
Denver, tonight we made history! Our Denver City Council just unanimously voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 and beyond for all workers in our city.
YOU DID IT! After 18 months of bargaining, standing ready to strike for quality patient care, and fighting for a real partnership again, you won a