
Labor Unions, Community Organizations, and Faith-Based Groups Unite to Condemn Attacks on Aurora Immigrants as Trump Campaigns in Colorado

As MAGA Republicans attempt to use anti-immigrant lies to divide and distract us from the neglect and mismanagement of corporate landlords in Aurora, working families in the community are joining together to create a better Colorado for all.

Aurora, CO –  A group of labor unions, community advocacy organizations, faith-based groups, and concerned Coloradans has issued the following statement in response to the anti-immigrant rhetoric being spread by MAGA politicians locally and nationally regarding the corporate-owned apartment complexes in Aurora, as we anticipate Donald Trump’s campaign visit in Aurora.

“As service workers, healthcare workers, state employees, and concerned community members in Aurora, we believe in the inherent dignity of every person who calls Colorado home, and we know that when working families in Colorado stand in solidarity with one another, we make this great state even better. 

That’s why we unequivocally reject and condemn the racist and divisive lies that MAGA Republicans are using in an attempt to distract us from horrendous living conditions that continue in two apartment complexes managed by CBZ Management in Aurora, Colorado.

We are the working families who form the heart of this community—diverse, hardworking individuals, both long-time residents and newcomers, united in our pride in calling Aurora home. Many of us came here seeking better opportunities, not just for ourselves, but to uplift and strengthen the community as a whole.

We’ve heard some politicians, like Mayor Coffman and Danielle Jurinsky, attempt to use fear tactics to blame our neighbors for the unlivable conditions Aurora working families are facing instead of implementing policies that address the root of the issue: corporate landlords who consistently exploit residents by failing to ensure safe living conditions, raising rent, and displacing families. 

The families living in the apartment complex neglected by CBZ Management have been subjected to downright inhumane conditions. From collapsing ceilings to mold and water leaks and even infestations of dangerous pests and human waste, our neighbors have been forced to live in uninhabitable conditions, being left in the cold with no heat in their homes through the winter. They paid their rent, but their slumlord abandoned them with no consequences and tried to pin the blame on newcomers and those seeking safety in our country. Instead of standing with working families in Aurora, Coffman and Jurinsky repeated these lies, drawing national attention without addressing the landlord’s neglect and greed that created these conditions.

We won’t stand for it. We know what’s really happening in Aurora, and we know what needs to be done to address it. It’s time to put aside the false, dehumanizing narratives being pushed by Mayor Coffman, Danielle Jurinsky, Donald Trump, and national MAGA candidates. Donald Trump now plans to visit Colorado and further spread this hateful, anti-immigrant rhetoric about our communities to further his own agenda. Instead, we must hold CBZ Management and the politicians who have spread these lies accountable for their neglect and predatory profiteering of our community.

Aurora is one of the most diverse cities in Colorado, and our strength comes from that diversity. On the eve of Donald Trump’s visit to Colorado, we are sending a strong message that we stand united against hate and fear and will work to hold corporate landlords and the politicians who support them accountable.” 


The following labor unions and community organizations sign this statement:

Colorado Wins Colorado Working Families Party
Colorado People’s Action
Faith In Colorado
Canales de
UNE Action
9to5 Action Fund