
Critical Update on Kaiser Bargaining


Yesterday, at the “Labor Summit” in Oakland, Kaiser management presented the unions with a top-down, unilateral “new partnership.” This proposal, in particular, limits our ability as union members to speak out and stand up for our rights—and threatens union members’ job security with technology and outsourcing. Download the partnership document by clicking here.

Kaiser also informed the gathered unions that they intend only to bargain with local unions in the year their local agreement expires. This is another sign that Kaiser’s intention is to divide workers. The Coalition is united in pushing back against this disrespectful treatment of our members by Kaiser and we are united to fight for a good contract. Kaiser has a legal obligation to bargain with the Coalition. We will continue to take action to demand Kaiser return to the table to bargain the National Agreement.

The National Labor Relations Act gives us an opportunity to hold Kaiser accountable. The Coalition cannot agree to a “new partnership” without the voices of our 85,000 members.

“The unions of the Coalition are completely committed to Partnership and the great work we’ve done together, but any changes to the Partnership need to be discussed in national bargaining,” said Walter Allen, executive director of OPEIU Local 30.

“Our members’ most common complaint about Partnership is that Kaiser uses it when it is convenient for them and ignores it when it isn’t. What I saw at the so-called ‘Labor Summit’ today was that dynamic on steroids. Their announced ‘new partnership’ agreement and their attempt to unilaterally change how they want us to bargain on their terms are unacceptable. I am confident our members will take unified action to say enough is enough. We deserve a great new contract and any partnership worth its name must be on equal terms. Our union, and our Coalition, are clear that this is what we are fighting for.”

–Ron Ruggiero

Presidente, SEIU Local 105