
What is COPE?

COPE is an acronym for the Committee on Political Education. It’s our union’s voluntary bi-partisan Political Action Committee used for political and legislative activities. We hold politicians accountable at every level of government and help our union build the political power to win strong contracts, better benefits, and pass laws that allow all workers to join a union. 

For more information on COPE and how you can get involved email politics@seiu105.org.

Why is SEIU involved in Politics?

Our elected officials are responsible for passing laws that protect collective bargaining rights, job security, working conditions, and benefits. The only way we can fix this rigged economy for the wealthy is if working people fight to elect candidates to school boards, city councils, county commissions, Governor, State Legislature, President, and Congress, who value, believe in, will stand up for and make it easier for all workers to join unions.

How is COPE Money used?

All COPE money goes into SEIU’s Political Account for use in local, state, and federal activities only. It does NOT become part of the general treasury. A portion goes to the SEIU federal PAC at the International office for use in Congressional or U.S. Senate races. COPE money is used not only for contributions to candidates, but also for voter registration efforts, lobbying, and get-out-the-vote efforts. Funds are also used to introduce and pass legislation that protects SEIU members and their families.

Join our monthly COPE Meetings

Want to learn more about how to get involved with politics? Use the power you have as a SEIU Local 105 member and learn more about your Committee on Political Education! These are onboarding meetings to learn more about the COPE committee itself. Members are encouraged to attend these meetings before joining the regular COPE Meetings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to political@seiu105.org