
Se Solicita Janitors: Feria de Empleo

Patrocinado por SEIU Local 105 y Commercial Cleaning Systems (CCS) Sábado, 26 de Agosto 2017 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM DoubleTree Hotel, 4040 Quebec St 80216 •   Aplica en persona •   Entrevistas el mismo día •   Trabaje con una Compania Responsable & Respetosa Para solicitar trabajo en persona, traiga los siguientes documentos: •   Identificación […]

150 Airport Workers Went on STRIKE at DIA!

Employees of PrimeFlight Aviation Services, G2, and AirServ, companies providing cabin cleaning, wheelchair and baggage services at DIA, went on strike Wednesday, July 12. Despite reports that there was no impact to DIA, departure boards showed one airline carrier experienced delays of up to four hours. Denver, CO – In Denver, 152 employees went on strike against three private […]

Vamos a Celebrar!

Last year on J4J Day, we were in the midst of our Master Contract fight. We won a pathway to $15/hour, protection of our benefits and the respect we deserve. Saturday, June 24, 11:00 am, we invite members to join us at SEIU Local 105, 2525 W Alameda Ave., for a short presentation and celebration of everything we’ve accomplished together.

2017 Leadership Summit/Cumbre de Liderazgo

Save the Date/Guarda la Fecha: Saturday, September 30, 2017 – Sábado, 30 de Septiembre, 2017 Build Power to Protect and Strengthen OUR Union! The mission of the 2016 SEIU Local 105 Leadership Summit is to bring together a diverse group of leaders, including stewards, Executive Board members, COPE Committee members and Communication Action Team (CAT)  members; to […]

Letter from Local 105 President on Recent Violence

Dear SEIU 105 Members, I feel compelled to write to you after a horrific week of violence across America. These events, and what led up to them, can feel overwhelming and complex. But, I believe we must seek to unify our country on two simple values: The epidemic of killing of unarmed black people by police […]

Growing and Moving: Looking Back at 2015

2015 was a year of growth, political power and strengthening the foundation for positive change for working people in 2016. Read the SEIU Local 105 Gazette and learn about how we made a difference. Members should have already received a copy of the SEIU Local 105 Gazette in the mail. If you have not received your copy, […]

Conoce Tus Derechos – Know Your Rights

Hermanas y Hermanos, Algunos miembros han pedido información de los redadas de Migración con el intento de deportar familias de Centro America. Hay que saber sus derechos. Estos imagines le informa sobre sus derechos para defenderse en caso de una redada. Ademas, nuestra Presidente de SEIU, Mary Kay Henry ha mandado una carta al Presidente Obama para prevenir […]

Standing Up: When Self-Interest and Solidarity Are One

Dear SEIU 105 Members, I write to you at a time of crisis in America. I’m aware that my words may not be popular, but I believe at my core that while politicians may pander in moments of crisis, that it is the responsibility of leaders to lead and not remain silent. My only request, made with […]