BREAKING: Denver City Council Unanimously Passes Raising the Wage!

Denver, tonight we made history! Our Denver City Council just unanimously voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 and beyond for all workers in our city. This is a huge step forward in fighting inequality and building a stronger Denver where all of us can thrive. SEIU Local 105 janitors, healthcare, and airport workers thank Robin Kniech, Denver […]
93% Vote YES to Ratify!

YOU DID IT! After 18 months of bargaining, standing ready to strike for quality patient care, and fighting for a real partnership again, you won a strong tentative agreement with Kaiser Permanente. Over the past two weeks, you and your coworkers had the largest turnout SEIU Local 105 has seen for a ratification vote in years! We’re […]
KP Tentative Agreement Reached!

Our 83,000-member Union Coalition just reached a Tentative Agreement with Kaiser Permanente on a four-year contract that wins on all our bargaining goals and restores a true Labor Management Partnership. Our solidarity and unity made the difference! Our Four-Year Tentative Agreement: 1. Protects good, middle class jobs with . . . Strong across-the-board raises of […]
KP Strike Update: Bargaining Day 1

Today started the last currently scheduled round of bargaining with KP and our over 80,000 #strikeready strong national worker coalition. After setting a national strike date of October 14th last week, healthcare workers across the country have shown KP they are ready to do what it takes for quality patient care. Now it’s up to […]
KP Strike Update: Strike Deadline Announced

National Strike Deadline Announced Last week SEIU 105 Colorado caregivers showed they are willing to do what it takes for good jobs, quality patient care, a real Partnership, and respect at KP. With a 96% YES vote, Colorado joins over 80,000 workers ready to call an unfair labor practice strike if Kaiser management continues to refuse to bargain […]
KP Strike Update: 96% Vote YES to Strike!

Congratulations Colorado! After 3 weeks of voting, YOU voted to get Kaiser Permanente back on track and stand up for respect, good community jobs, quality patient care, and a real partnership again. Over 60% of Colorado’s SEIU 105 members at KP turned out to vote AND 96% OF YOU VOTED YES to authorize a strike, […]
KP Strike Vote Update: It’s Our Turn
Our over 80,000 KP member strong coalition is fired up all across the country. Just last week, 98% of California Kaiser members voted YES to strike if necessary. This week, our coalition partners SEIU Local 49 in Oregon and SW Washington are casting their votes. It’s our turn Colorado! Starting this Monday, August 26th, voting […]
KP Update: $5 Billion in Profits
$5 BILLION IN PROFITS Kaiser can’t hide its greed. After telling Colorado frontline workers that all they are worth is a 1% raise, over the weekend, Kaiser just reported $2 billion MORE in profits for 2019. They’ve made more — $5.2 Billion — in only 6 months than they have ever made in an entire […]
KP Update: Majority of Colorado Ready to Strike
Despite efforts by Kaiser executives to divide and confuse us over the past week, Colorado KP members are showing they’re united and ready to strike if necessary. By Friday, a majority – over 50% – of SEIU Local 105 Kaiser members have signed the pledge to strike! We have to keep up the momentum. Contact your stewards […]
KP Update: Strike Pledges Pouring In
After Kaiser’s disrespectful proposal earlier this week, KP caregivers across Colorado are showing management that they are ready to strike if necessary. STRIKE PLEDGE OFF TO A STRONG START In just two weeks we have over 1000 STRIKE PLEDGES SIGNED! Healthcare workers at Longmont have reached 100% of their coworkers who have signed the pledge […]